PREVIEW I The Painter in the Woods
On the shores of Lake Lolog, nestled deep in a remote part of Argentina’s Lanin National park, stands a cabin. Inside Iván Moricz Karl carefully paints a portrait of a rare and colorful Patagonian bird. At 80 years old, Iván has lived in this cabin for 37 years with little to no electricity, and firewood as his only source of warmth during the brutal winters. Using his VHF radio, he keeps in contact with his son, Victor Iván, and his daughter-in-law, Franca, who send him photos of his infant grandson whenever they can. Inspired by nature, Iván’s goal has been to paint every bird in Patagonia. How does he feel knowing that he has precious few years remaining, and what kind of a legacy is he hoping to leave behind?
Role: Producer
For Compass Light Productions, 2022
~2-minute excerpt, contact for full version